Conversations with the guy behind the mirror,
Informs me things that I don't want to know,
"Your hair-line is declining.
The glint in your eye's not shining.
"Last time I saw your smile was years ago."
Talking with the guy behind the mirror,
He asks me questions that I'd sooner he not ask.
"Do you like it on your lonesome?
"Is this all that you've become?
"Do you really think I can't see behind that mask?"
The guy behind the mirror likes to tell me how it's gonna be,
Points out all the flaws that bother him about be,
He cuts me up, rips me apart, doesn't believe me when I lie,
Leaves me with no quarter and forces me to try,
I'm talking to the guy behind the mirror,
In the morning when I shave, in the evening when I brush my teeth,
He screams at me without a shout,
And fills my head all up with doubt,
Doesn't see the hero on the outside but the coward underneath.