Noah and The Great Rain
This is the story of Noah.
Noah was a drinker of strong spirits.
He would have long, meaningful conversations with Nothing.
Nothing told him to build an ark.
And so he built an ark.
And the children of Man around him saw that he did toil on such a grand project and asked, "Say, Noah, what are you doing?"
And Noa answered, "Building an ark."
And the children of Man asked, "Why?"
And Noah Answered, "Oh, for Nothing."
This confused the children of Man so they asked, "Why would you want to go through so much trouble just for Nothing?"
By this time, Noah had had enough distractions so he simply said, "Listen. I spoke with Nothing and Nothing said to build this ark. Now, leave me be! I don't want to keep Nothing waiting..."
And the children of Man concluded, "So, you're doing this... for Nothing!?!"
And Noah answered, "Yep..."
And the children of Man didn't understand what all this strange talk was about and so (as children of men do) they made fun of Noah...
"Noah! Come, do my housework for me! I'll give you Nothing..."
"Hey! Noah! What's the matter with you? Oh, right, Nothing's the matter with you..."
"Keep working hard there, Noah. There's Nothing in it for you..."
And so on...
And Nothing told Noah that they shall pay for their wickedness for Nothing had a plan.
And Noah explained to his wife how the wicked children of Man did torment him and that Nothing had a plan for all these wicked doers.
Noah's wife had noticed that he'd been drinking again.
And Noah's wife whom had bore him three sons had Nothing at all to say to him about it.
In fact, she had Nothing to say to him quite often.
And so one night, the Great Rain did come.
And it rained so hard that the children of Man could see Nothing.
On that night, under the cover of Nothing, Noah went around and collected two of each animal of all the wicked children of Man and placed them in his ark.
And the Great Rain continued.
And so Noah went to collect his wife and sons and Noah said to his wife, "Come quick! We have done it! We have two of all the animals of all those wicked people in the ark. We must be off now, quickly, get the children!"
"What are you talking about Noah?, " asked Noah's wife, " Who told you to take the animals?"
And Noah answered, "Nothing but never mind that, now get the boys and come quick!"
And Noah's wife was so infuriated that she could say Nothing to him but then,figuring that she would have to reckon with the children of Man for her husband's action, went along taking the children with her.
And so the ark went into the water and floated away, leaving the wicked children of Man in the Great Rain.
And eventually the Great Rain came to an end.
And upon landing in dry land, Noah opened the doors to the ark to let the animals out.
And Noah looked up and behold!
There was the sight he'd been waiting for:
A sign!
And Noah brought out his wife and said, "See there!"
And Noah's wife said, "What is it Noah?"
And Noah said, "Don't you see it?! It's a sign!"
And Noah's wife said "It's a rainbow Noah!", and she said Nothing to him ever again for Noah had lost himself to strong spirits for the rest of this days.