Gotta put food on the table,
Not even sure if I'm able,
Doesn't matter whether or not I want to.
So I muster up all my powers,
And I try to work some extra hours,
Cause a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
I'm up and I'm going, 'cause the going is tough,
And I work to the bone but it's still not enough,
And it sucks away my strength and saps my will.
It's always an uphill fight,
So count your blessings and bet I'm right,
There's no romance, no "death or glory".
Just have to keep at it,
Never surrender, never quit,
'Cause these are the cards you've been dealt,
So make them count.
No need to be bitter,
What do you need to be bitter for?
You gotta pick up the litter,
Dust yourself up off the floor.
No need to be bitter,
What do you need to be bitter for?
You can't be a quitter,
It's just another chance for you to shine,
So shine.