It was just before dawn that my eyes flew open though consciousness wouldn't come till much later that day.
I laid there, staring past the ceiling, allowing my body to recover from the toxin intake of just a few hours earlier.
It was cold. One of those November frosts but nevertheless I was sweating bullets.
Beside me was a figure that at first I didn't recognize but slowly the pictures started coming back to me.
She was an acquaintance of long ago.
She and I reunited by chance at some public place with many people around us and I believe either she or I was with someone.
She had been drinking a lot (as was I) and she was telling me something that I couldn't hear.
The next scene I remember, we were by the East River looking at Brooklyn across the water and I remember being impressed regardless of the fact that I've seen it countless times before.
I'm sure it was very romantic, the air was crisp and cold but the night was still young.
To warm ourselves we cuddled on a bench and everything seemed perfect as the moon shined in her eyes but the cold air made her nose red and slightly runny.
I had some killer weed at home and she had just bought some cocaine so we went to my apartment to listen to some music.
We shared our drugs, drank my best cognac and had sex till just after morning light.
I remember her laughter came sweet to me as we watched Saturday morning cartoons and my fridge was so empty, even the cobwebs had cobwebs.
We had sex to compensate while Bugs and Daffy argued weather it was duck or rabbit season.
We only stopped to do drugs.
Somewhere along the line the sun went down and we finally ordered in Chinese food: low mien, fried rice, pepper steak and something with a red sauce that I can't remember the name of. What I do remember is that Chinese food and cognac don't really work well together but the company was great and we were having so much fun that I don't think either of us minded, even when the bottle ran dry.
Then there was that last line which we halved.
And the last spliff.
Now there's just me and to be honest, I'll miss that weekend and my acquaintance of long ago.
Even if I can't remember her name.
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