The Tower of Babylon
And so it came to pass that the Children of Man rejected Nothing and wanted the return of Everything.
And neither Something nor Something-Else was enough.
The Children of Man wanted More.
And there was More.
And the Children of Man set out to accumulate More until they would have Everything again, for More was the obvious path to Everything.
And they built a city with a great tower as a token of just how much More they had.
And they would build this tower up past the sky and the sun and the moon and the stars, straight into the vast Nothing.
But before the tower could reach the stars or the moon or the sun or even the sky, it grew so high that it could no longer support it's own weight and fell, crumbling to the ground.
And the Children of Man felt like they had Nothing again.
And they were angry!
For the last thing anybody ever wanted was Nothing.
Certainly not if they could have More.
And they set out once again to accumulate More, stealing from each other and fighting over who has More and who hasn't.
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